Does anyone know of any good example of music about travel that would be good to listen while traveling? Something that gets you in the mood to get off your feet and go somewhere, without it having unnecessarily 'pumping you up' more than whats needed for it to work.
These are all "classical" pieces, but they are also beautiful and reflect many of the aspects of travel.
"Mysterious Mountain" by Alan Hovhaness captures the sense of majesty of encounter something shrouded in mysticism and almost otherworldly: perhaps a piece of landscape that is hauntingly unique, or an ancient building that, while abandoned for centuries, now has taken on a life of its own.
Berlioz's "Symphony Fantastique" chronicles heaven, hell, fate, and everything in between. Truly a wild adventure.
"Hungarian Peasant Suite" by Bela Bartok captures the feeling of a traveler away from his home. No matter what wonders he encounters, nothing can make him forget the memories of home, and he always has some yearning for it.
If you have an aversion to "classical" music, the soundtrack to "Princess Mononoke" has a number of wonderful songs that capture the feeling of wandering.