Waar wrote...
but you know as well as I do that there are some people you want to have that info and some you don't, that fact that you can't really control it even if it says you can is horse shit. Don't get me wrong, I have facebook, I use it daily, have been involved in drama with it and will continue to do so until i leave facebook for good, but the lax personal info security is creating a generation of stalkers. One more thing: you know people can post pictures of me without me being able to do anything about it right? Besides removing a tag there could be photos of me which could hurt me in the long run...
Anybody could take the pictures of yourself that you've posted here on Fakku and post them elsewhere. Nothing you can do about it. Hell, someone on the street could take a picture of you and put it online, and you wouldn't even know it.
I've often worried about putting personal stuff online (my real name, pics, what state I live in), but I always come to the same conclusion - it doesn't matter. Sure, someone could see my real name and mess around a bit and maybe even find my address, but someone could also just follow me home.