mykoskalmyith wrote...
I like the idea of this point system. Could you give us a list of things you've assigned points to?
My point system won't be too good for other people, because I have a different lifestyle than most people. Unless you're unemployed, don't go to school, drink a lot of soda, and have never exercised in the past couple of years, my system won't be good for you. Hmm, that may be more common than I think, but still, it's best to come up with things for your own life. But as an example, here's how I did it:
-5 points for masturbation, just so I don't easily get a ton of points
-2 points for a can of soda because they're full of sugar and such
-1 point for glass of soda/Kool-aid, because it's still better to drink water
+1 point for 20 jumping jacks, because 20 jumping jacks wore me out when I started
+1 point for every minute that I ran
That's basically it. I would also assign points for doing any other exercises, as long as I did it enough to make me tired.
The really cool thing with using points is, you can use the system to motivate you by restricting your activities. If you love playing video games, make it where you have to have so many points before you play, or you lose a certain number of points every time you play. That way, you'll work hard so you'll be able to do what you like. But you have to have a lot of willpower. It's very easy to say, "Fuck points, I want to play something!" and nothing will stand in your way (unless you have another person helping you out or something).