I put my rant about one of the things that pisses me off in a spoiler box, because I actually fucking vented a little.
I'm pissed off that the mutual friends that I had with my brother disrespect me by saying that they can't come over to my house now that he's dead. Its not even like they throw in the typical, "no offense" bullshit. Before he died, my house was the 2nd best chill spot in this fucking bullshit town and now that that self-obsessed, drug addicted asshole is gone, maybe like two people come around occasionally.
That's just one thing. I had some serious issues with my brother when he was alive, and I mean fucking serious, but I never expected that he would be causing me as much shit as he is in death. I've come to respect him, towards the end, I felt like that was the least I could do, but in all honesty, I've never actually hated anyone except for him. At times, he was a decent person, but for the most part he was manipulative, shallow, two-faced, and would do anything to get what he wanted. Considering the number of times I either managed to stop myself from killing him or had to be stopped by others, I'd say that our relationship was far beyond sibling rivalry and, at times, came close to malicious hatred.
I'm not going to go any further. Since you didn't know him and don't know what he's done, if I keep talking, I'm going to sound like a really bad person. He was very good at twisting things to make him look better than he was, and in a way his legacy lives on.