Pocru wrote...
Without a clearer picture, its actually hard to read. For example, most dreams tell either something about yourself your trying to hide, something you dont realize, or its haunting you of a action or thought you have that your not proud of.
Or, rather, its simply your inward interpretation of recent events.
Im actually a semi-pro (kinda sorta) when it comes to dream interpretations, but normally I have more to work with, like, colors, and whats going on in your current life, before I attempt to read anything into it. This seems meaningful, though, more than just a simple bad dreams. Meaningless bad dreams almost always follow the same basic pattern, which this one didn't. I'll throw out my first guess, though, just from what Im reading.
if I had to guess, your struggling with femininity issues.
A house can have two meanings: Either your own physical body, or a place of security. If its your own physical body and you have to kill two girls inside it, or your fucking a girl inside it, well, you probably have some inward femininity issues: your trying to kill the girls inside you because you dont trust them (and possibly because its against your religion) but at the same time you want to exploit them, overpower them, which is what rape usually represents. You also regretted killing her, meaning you probably actually like her existence, but you're too afraid of her to keep her alive.
Family can have several meanings. In the above interpritation, they're probably the people you trust to help kill your inner girl. They're also probably the ones who gave you the idea of exploiting your inner girl, which is why you see your trusted one raping her first, before you do.
Penetration almost always means sex, even if its with a weapon or with a boomerang, in this case. However, considering the bent-ness of the stick, Im guessing this means you have some twisted views on the subject. Maybe you tell yourself you believe something about sexuality you secretly don't believe, or perhaps you simply see your penis as a tool, which is why you use it to kill: in fact, you see your penis as your greatest tool against your inner girl, which is why the rope (which I guess, in this interpretation, represents your reasoning. Reasoning is usually used to "Secure" an idea you have, and what else do you use to secure things? Rope.) wasn't enough. You had to resort to your sexuality.
...BUT thats just my first guess. If I had more information, I could probably give you a more accurate reading. ^_^
gaaaahhhhh!!!..... -_-