I don't speak Spanish, and 80% of the people I work with do not speak English. They all think it's funny, as if food service isn't annoying enough when you know what the hell the waitress is yelling at you. I cannot describe the number of problems with this scenario, just know that every day I walk into my job knowing...that this could be the day. The day I fucking snap and kill all of them. The jackass in the back who keeps trying to sell me stolen electronics. The crackhead dishwasher who keeps taking my aprons and hiding them in random places. The obnoxious waitress who spends most of her time laughing maniacally at nothing in particular. And of course that other cook who spends all day yelling catch phrases at me, since I'm assuming those are the only english words he knows.
It really does feel like you die a little inside, every time you go to work. Sort of how Will Ferrell's character in Blades of Glory felt when he had to do that weird Grublets on Ice Show in order to entertain idiot kids. Every time I walk in that door, I can hear his voice in my head saying "I hate my life."