This is saddening news. I was just reminiscing with him about the old times a month back. It's difficult to imagine having a very normal conversation about nostalgic memories and then the next moment someone is just gone.
Although I wasn't close with him, I always respected him. He was known to be hardheaded and had an itchy trigger finger with the ban hammer, but I only had genuine and earnest interactions with him. I remember when he almost quit and I tried to console his worries. He also supported the Writing & Fanfiction contests by judging a couple times and helping me out with pin requests. I could tell that deep inside he really cared for people. I will be eternally grateful for these memories and hopefully whatever he was suffering from has ended.
Around the time I started getting more active on the forums, he had a different cat avatar that was quite cute and spawned a meme that everyone manipulated and changed their avatars to different modified versions. This was the old avatar:
And here was my change to it, since Epic Fail Guy—New Zealand Fail Guy, to be specific—was my favorite meme at the time:
I think I'll wear it for a time in his honor.
Take care, Waar. Paul. A salute to a fine and dedicated moderator.