You talking about the dream that you get in your sleep caused by random firing of the synapeses in your brain, or the dream that people have in which they want something?
If choice 1, then forget about it. Such sleep induced dreams are nothing but random memories that a person has, whether concious or not, and is jumbled together slightly after a person's REM cycle, a state between asleep and awake. At least the dreams I remember are the ones when I wake up in the morning in a half-awake state, and believe me, I've had some weird dreams.
If choice 2, then ask yourself if those dreams of yours are aspirational goals or something either physically or psychologically impossible. If it's something like, "I wanna be a millionaire," it's not impossible, but you'll have to work hard and be innovative yourself. Now if it's like, "I wanna f*ck the girl of my dreams until she cums like a dam," or "I wanna be a gundam pilot," or "I wanna create something that no one has never dreamed of because I'm a genius," then obviously you can't fulfill them.