Tsurayu wrote...
razama wrote...
Accents are hawt, but it depends on what kind of british accent... Like a cockeny? I can't understand them... jk...
I also wonder what my accent sounds like, americans don't notice their own accents if they are not southern.
True that. I can't tell what I sound like, but one of my ex's who lived in Pennsylvania said I had a Southern accent, but I live in Indiana. o.O
My guess would be I have a "Midwest" accent. Oh well, she lived in Boston for a long time so she had a twinge of a Boston accent in her. It is horses not hoses! A car not a cah! There are "r"s in the alphabet! ^_^;;
I hate when they say Cah! like a crow noise... My japanese buddy did ask why we saya word like "matter" as if it was spelled "madder", like two 't's equal a "d".
Maybe this is the rumored american accent...
I love America's/Britians/Austrailians fasicnation with each others accents.
BTW nice sig Tsurayu