Since this is one of my favorite couples, aside from TomoyoXTouya (CCS) I wanted to see everyone's oppinion about this.:D
For me i really enjoy this couple I believe this is one of the most unique yet very lovable character pairing out there. If you don't watch keroro gunsou i suggest you try it especially if you love comedy animes.
A little video to show them:
A little description about the two:

Name: Giroro
Code Number: G-66
Symbol: Skull
Military Title: Corporal
Japanese Title: Gochou
Equipment: Lucky Utility Belt
Specialties: Mobile Infantry
Close Range Combat
Authority: 2nd in command of Keroro Platoon. Can override some of Sergeant Keroro's initiatives
Corporal Giroro is 2nd in command of the Keroro Platoon. He's definitely a trigger happy, explosives-loving alien frog, whose only goal is to complete the total invasion of Pokopen.
He's ambitious almost to a fault, and he is sometimes known as "The Most Dangerous Man in the Universe." He is constantly questioning Keroro on the relativity of their various endeavors [which usually include Gundam models somehow] to the ultimate goal of completing the invasion. Aside from that, he cares about little else.
Except for Natsumi. He fell in love with Natsumi almost as soon as he met her. He became attracted to her because of her cruelty and brutality towards the Keroro Platoon in general. He assessed her to "have the same warrior blood" as he does, and also noted her intense strength, which he wholly underestimated.
Unfortunately, Giroro's love isn't really reciprocated. He never really confessed his love to her, because he didn't need to, he was pretty blatant about it to begin with. Sometimes, however, Natsumi does things that are TOTALLY out of character for her, which leads one to believe she may have feelings for him, as well.
Overall, even though he's fairly single-minded and tends to be over the top with his artillery, Giroro is a pretty lovable character. The fact that his demeanor is so polarized is what makes him likeable. He's so intent on invading the world, but yet, he's fallen in love with what should be his enemy!

Given Name: Natsumi
Family Name: Hinata
Also Known As: "Devil Summer"
Code Number: 723
School: Kisshou Middle
Specialties: Cooking
Fast-Paced Sports
Above Average Grades
Name Note: The "Natsu" in Natsumi means "summer." Naturally, many puns are made with that.
Natsumi Hinata is a 7th grader at Kisshou Middle School. She lives at home with her Mama, a manga editor, and her brother Fuyuki, a grade younger than she is. Since her Mama is away nearly all the time because of her tight work schedule, she usually cooks dinner for the family and splits the chores with her brother.
Overall, she's your normal, everyday middle school girl.
Until that fateful day when an alien invader named Sergeant Keroro came to live with her in her home. Her normal life hasn't been normal since! While her slightly weird brother and her eccentric mother seem to love the frogs, Natsumi is pretty annoyed with them at all times. As more and more of them show up, her resentment towards them never wavers, until...
Giroro arrives! Giroro, right from the start, had a crush on Natsumi. And so, she treats him slightly differently. Giroro is the only one of the Keroro Platoon that Natsumi actually has a decent conversation with, without becoming annoyed or frustrated. This might be because Giroro is the only one of them that isn't bouncing off of walls all the time, sceming about the demise of Earth or causing a general ruckus. On top of that, Giroro actually takes time out of his day to talk to her [not a hard task for Giroro :D]. Unfortunately, Natsumi doesn't show an obvious interest in Giroro, but she does seems to know how he feels about her.
And, well, Natsumi has feelings of her own. That's right. She seems to have a crush on a delinquent boy at her school named Mutsumi. Mutsumi, however, doesn't ever really seem to notice her or give her the time of day. He's more interested to have a chat with her brother, who's an expert on occult happenings.
Poor Natsumi...
And that's where Giroro comes in. No one in this story is quite as devoted to Natsumi as he is, and that is yet another reason why they should be together! While she outwardly acts annoyed with the frogs, I know she has a soft spot for a certain red one. :D
Please Vote and tell me what you think about it :D
Descriptions were taken from: