I'd like the power to spawn, manipulate, and control ice. ie. make a blizzard of frozen blades or spawn a snowcone wile I'm roasting in my car durring summer rush hour trafic...
Nothing but, GENTLEPERVERT BLASTER!!!! BOOOOOOM!!!! They are cool destructive beams from my fists. Glowing blue aura color, it also makes the background glow. I'll blast cheap cars and houses so I don't mess the beautifully built ones.
To Delete anything from my sight
with my light i can erase Anything i desire
anything that i want to erase will be gone in one Blink of my eye......
With this kind of power i can kill my enemies in one blink of my eye
causing no sweat at all >_< Fear my power
hmm... i've been obsessing about this one power in my mind
you know how magicians specialize in controlling the elements like fire, ice and such.
but, what if cyber became an element and i am its master.
wtf!? you exclaim.
the elements are used by humans as tools in there everyday living back then and now. the world today is dominated by science and technology - no doubt about that-
and when man made the cyber world - in other words, the intanets- a new element and a new world is born- cyber.
just what is the 'cyber' element, you ask?
here comes the complicated part, the cyber element is the element that creates virtual life, life in a sense that it can process and think -AI anyone?- and its body made out of virtual matter -err...3d made 3D,get it? guess not or how 'bout fancy word for cg made real - but it had no soul, which made it no different from a machine. am i making sense to anyone? no? just think of it as disney's tron world had an affair with s4 league and lots of sci-fi games that deal with the cyber world and i am the magician that controls its bidding.
great, i somewhat made a clear description of what the cyber element is, but so what? what can i do with mastering the cyber element?
-the essence of the cyber element is distorting reality by replacing it with virtual reality generated from my mind(shit, i sounded very fancy just now).in other words, its the opposite of touma's imagine breaker(toaru majutsu no index) its the imagine builder using bits of the cyber world to make shifts in time, space and reality for me to control however i want. so for example, i can summon a rail gun at my hand or call forth a giant meca out of nowhere.
-make lots of evil cyber minions (what they look like entirely depends on me and my imagnation, but genereally they look like the first versions of anti-spiral in TTGL or oversized viruses)
-the ability to totally dominate and control any real world machinery that has a computer chip in it. ( and i shall use this to flood the CIAs computers with gay porn mwahahahahaha!!!)
-the ability to shift between the real world and the cyber world (think of all the porn i can download without having to wait, or how i can totally pawn you're ass in halo using matrix moves, drool)
dammit i ran out of things to say, i have lots more ideas but i gets so lazy somerimes,.. so, meh.
oh and my costume is a supercool one, i dont have any sketches of it but i can tell its totally awesome, err... think of the cyber ninja guy's suit(mgs 1&2) with some parts of the helix king's meca razengan (TTGL) to make it look like a glowing cyber ninja, somewhat.
ahhh.... how i love this kind of threads
you make me turn back to my evil overlord days
My power would be to accurately, and completely recreate any Character or Person as a living breathing human clone.
They would not know they were a clone, as they would act exactly as the original did.
However, the accuracy would be as accurate as I could think, so If I wanted a 100% accurate copy, I would have to study up on this person/character to learn everything about them.
I would also be able to change any aspect of them to match the original better (IE: I forgot something)
I would love to have the power to either teleport or move through time.
If I could teleport, I could rob banks. If I could move through time, I could go back in time and replay life, or something like that. Quite superficial really.