nsl41288 wrote...
My big full tower case came with seven fans but I ultimately took all of them out except for the back 2 because it was extremely loud and those fans weren't doing anything anyways. It doesn't run hot at all when its idling but when I'm gaming it gets up there.
cpu idle:108F/42c
gpu idle:117F/47c
cpu stress:125F/54c
gpu stress:170F/76c
My big Zalman z3 cooler handles my cpu really well but I don't have any special coolers for my graphics card. The problem probably is that the videocard is at the bottom of the motherboard and there isn't much circulation there, Maybe putting in one of those fans that plugs that will fit in one of the back slots would be a good idea. Also, I've tried putting the bios of the video card on the hard disk and then opening it up with NiBiTor to modify the values to change the way it behaves with fan speeds but the fanspeed IC button is grayed out like it isn't even there.
I think I'll put this underneath my videocard in the spare case slot: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835119065
i've overclocked my video card no problem without changing the cooler.
i think the problem you have is, that your lacking fans
2 fans for a computer thats overclocked isn't enough i find
i would suggest around 5 fans give or take a few depending on
how hot you computer is and how much money ur willing to spend
if the problem is with the loudness of the fans your computer came with
i HIGHLY recommend these fans
ANTEC 120mm fans
if u check out the air flow on these babies u'll be amazed! :D
it has 79CFM and ONLY 29.8DBA thats the best ratio from power to sound
i've ever seen (that is fans that are under $30)
trust me on this one 29.8DBA is quite silent all u hear is a slight humming
i personally have 3 of these fans in my case right now and am quite happy
BTW on a side note i realized i wasn't clear on negative pressure
(that is if u didn't know what that is)
u should always have more exhausting fans than intake fans
this keeps ur computer cool
heres a list of areas suggested for exhaust
and heres a list of areas suggested for intake
also if u think ur video card is too hot
use some software to make the cooler work better
RivaTuner fan control guide
this works with all video cards with fans don't mind that it says
that its for the 8800gts