So you come across a broken genie in a bottle and rub it. A genie pops out but it's a broken one. You only get one wish and that wish must be realistic and achievable. What would you wish for?
Me personally I'd like to finish college quicker and get out into the world.
Hahh. Its obvious. :) I think a lot of person just asks for his personal harem :D. I would be okay with only Hisui. :) I don't think you have to take such wishes seriously..its just the life after all.
If it's limited to a realistic one, it would be to have a job again. If we're shooting for the slightly unrealistic, it'd be an entry level coding job or winning the lottery.
I think a realistic wish of mine would be to convince someone specific to let me take them out on a date... I don't ask often but it sucks when i do and get rejected.
unrealistic would have to be to go back in time to when i was young with everything I know today, I could avoid many things that have made my life harder simply because I was young and stupid.
To own and be able to properly manage (To have the skills to not run it into the ground) my own well loved Tavern. With those I could basically leave it in the hands of my employees and just sit back.