snakeinabush123 wrote...
So I was thinking(not very hard) and I came up with this:
1. People want to make money off of something that a lot of people struggle with.
2. They decide to try help people who have acne.
3. They find the cure but think to themselves:"Hmm... if we cure acne then there wouldn't be any customers left, so why don't we make the cure only temporary so that they pay us money to keep their skin clean"
4. They do so and a lot of people are fooled.
Now my question is Is this really true. If anyone of you wise older people have dealt with such research and know about the process of making the cream or whatever it is that the person would use please tell us or more importantly me.
This generally only happens when a company holds a monopoly over a certain industry. Acne products don't keep acne away permanently because they only treat the symptoms, the true cause of acne lies in a combination of genetics, diet, and adolescent hormones.
If someone really had discovered a way to easily treat acne in a way that prevented it from ever coming back, they would have to be very stupid to keep it a secret. No amount of money offered by the current industry to keep it quiet could equal the amount you would make if you simply put it on the market. There would be no need for ANY other acne products. Unless you put the price so high that people couldn't afford it, you would drive everyone else out of business, and you would hold a monopoly. Since you would only have to do it once, presumably your production costs would be very low as well. Now granted the overall industry might shrink a little, but you would control the entire thing. And you would never really run out of customers either, there will always be new generations.