ShaggyJebus wrote...
Ethil, the main problem with MoteMote is that not everyone watches all the current series. Some people may not watch any of the current series, like myself. So, if a person's only watched the most popular show of the season, and only knows the girls from that show, he's probably going to vote for those girls. If a girl's from a lesser-known show, the chances of her winning are very low, because a lot of people don't know her.
Same thing with GARfest. If Akagi Shigeru was up against Lelouch (from Code Geass), Lelouch would win, due in large part to a lot of people knowing CG and not a lot of people knowing Akagi. You cannot expect people to not vote. Even if they don't have a fair understanding of the characters, they'll still vote.
That is the same thing, main point is: Lots of people only vote for the Most Popular Girls, it's like following the latest trend. I realize that people that haven't seen much anime will vote for the girl that is the current talk of the forums and merchs, but that is still sad, since the outcome is easy to see even before the competition has began.
Why don't we just make "MoteMote of 2009" instead, since that's what it is anyway? Maybe making sure that last MoteMote's finalists won't be in the next one, cuz I have seen the characters I mentioned before (include Haruhi) to be at the top too many times now, is not interesting anymore.
Meh, w/e, all I want to say is that it is not interesting to have these things if it's always the same characters that win.