Alright, I've been thinking about this for a little bit. I dunno where to post this, so I'll put it in random, and if it doesn't belong here please tell me and I'll report it so it'll get moved to the appropriate place.
Now, we all download our porn, music, movies etc. from various file sharing sites (some use p2p programs, but this thread isn't about that). We've all had good experiences with some...and others we just plain fucking hate and wish they would get shutdown forever so that people wouldn't upload there anymore. So which one do you
hate the most?
P.S: MEDIAFIRE FTW. No wait time, FAST downloads, no "click here and wait 90 seconds for you dl to begin" bullshit, no password to enter, no downtime for downloads, unlimited downloads/day...and it's all free.
I'm also pretty sure there are some other file sharing sites that suck ass and I forgot to mention them. I would have normally added a "other" option in the poll, but since some people click on it and don't specify which, I didn't add it.