softbanker wrote...
Mike wrote...
I would have sex with Mariya over Ami.
You would do what?! Even if the trap has the most sexy and hottest body a body could ever be I would never even for a joke ever have sex with a trap and If given a choice between the trap and an ugly bitch, no second though I will bang the bitch and beat the crap out the trap. In real life, traps are really scary coz I almost kiss one if only I wasn't save, I thank all the Gods for that. 2D or 3D traps are still dudes. Unless your gay of course.
I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it, because I don't have the same experience of real-life traps as you. I also disagree with your use of a "straight/gay" dichotomy, as my sexual philosophy is "if it's hot, hit it", and what I find "hot" are girls and traps. As I also happen to find Mariya more attractive and interesting than Ami, I too would have sex with Mariya over Ami.