Tegumi wrote...
Why don't you try a cheaper laptop brand, then? You do realize that in order to get a 'sleek, expensive-looking laptop', you usually have to
pay for a sleek, expensive laptop. Laptop makers charge premium prices for their 'cool designs'. The most important part of your machine is its performance capabilities, and I doubt you'd need to worry too much about a cheaper laptop's external design embarrassing you too much.
[font=Courier New]One question. Where in my original post does it say that I'm
not prepared and fully willing to shell out a small fortune for a top-grade laptop? And I'm not buying a 'sleek, expensive-
looking laptop', I'm buying a 'sleek,
expensive laptop'. Nothing 'expensive-looking' about it. I'm also not buying it just for the 'cool design' either; I'm after the epic features that are available
because it has a 'cool design'. Features like a fingerprint scanner for security, backlit keyboard for easy visibility in low-lighting conditions, a sweet 1200p definition 17" screen w/clearview, multiple USB ports, firewire ports, eSATA ports, HDMI socket, all those kind of features not commonly found on generic, 'cheaper' laptop brands. The only problem with expensive laptop brands is that most of them don't have the room inside of them for the main components to reach the performance capabilities that I want. And can I be blamed for wanting to look good while kicking ass with a fully loaded portable powerhouse? If you don't look good while doing something, you aren't going to get as noticed. Case in point, Blu-ray vs. HD DVD. Also, VHS vs Betamax. If you don't understand the examples given, look them up, you're already on the internet. [/font]