Rayne wrote...
If someone feels this way, they should just spend more time with his/her significant other. They should also find out what's troubling their partner and make him/her happier. Talking it out will help a lot.
Yeah and no. Within reasonable limits I'd say this is a good idea.
Sadly, people rarely display that sort of moderation, and tend to take things to extremes, especially when it comes to jealousy.
The result: Extreme clingyness which does the relationship more bad than good.
Rayne wrote...
It shows that you care, usually those who show a bit of jealously will have partners that are less likely to stray. Being with someone that's never jealous could lead to random flirting, and such. Since your partner has the 'Whatever' attitude it leads to partners thinking it's okay since your partner doesn't 'mind'.
I'm not sure how far I trust conventional wisdom when it comes to that.
Admittedly, personal observation isn't worth much, but from what I've experienced, relaxed couples tend to actually have
less problems with fidelity.
Simply because if the ground rules aren't constantly being brought up, there's less friction and less enticement to defy them.