FinalBoss wrote...
That's the problem right there. Republicans assume that every American has the capability to work. There are people who have disabilities whether they are physical or mental. To deny them welfare service would be inhumane. Blaming the huge defecit on the poor getting welfare benefits is misguided at best. What about all the times big businesses/banks get bailed out by the Government? Wouldn't that be considered Corporate welfare? Taxing people has nothing to do with charity. Its about paying your fair share as a citizen of this country. The wealthy should be taxed according to the percentage that they earn. It doesn't make sense to tax them on the same level as a blue or white collar worker. Which reminds me, since Trump is a republican and business man, what do you think he'll do in regard to taxes? My bet is he'll make sure big businesses won't get taxed as much as they should.
The republican's mindset is noble, but unrealistic. Human beings are social creatures, we need each other in order to survive. No human alive has achieved anything on their own. The ones who cry out "lazy" are usually the ones who were spoon fed everything from day one. They don't know what its like to walk in the shoes of someone who is at a disadvantage socially, economically, mentally, physically and/or financially.
Yeah, but you can't have a one size fits all situation. People with disabilities, or handicaps are incredibly personal and individualistic. Do you know
how many claims of welfare fraud there is? You'd be surprised!
That is just a small part of the issue. As for being inhuman to deny them... before there was welfare and all these social programs, you had people that
made it their business to take care of them. Not because the government told them too, or because they were forced. They did it because back in those days
people had the moral high ground to look after others.
Today, the mentality is: "Why work when you can get a welfare check every week and screw over people that ARE working? It's not like i CAN"T be working..."
Social programs/welfare only encourage people to take advantage of others and creates a sense of dependency. While I admit it seems like a good idea, and
I have no problem helping others, at some point however, you have to draw the line and say "enough is enough!"
As for big banks and corporate welfare, hate to break it to you but it isn't just republicans. A lot of these companies and banks were bailed out on
taxpayer expenses. Why? Because they are tied to big government. If you look at which politicians support what companies in stocks and which ones are mutually linked to them you will see it goes both ways.
Big companies and banks hold a monopoly, and with subsidies they get from the government it makes it harder for small business to grow because they don't
make the same profit margins and it becomes ever increasingly harder to compete. What SHOULD of happened was, all those businesses/banks and companies that did
go bankrupt should have not been bailed out. It all goes back to accountability. A lot of the problems stemmed from big companies making poor decisions and
making bad policies which resulted in the economic disparities we saw almost 10 years ago.
When you allow the free market to work, bad business are forced to liquidate and sell off assets, which in turn good companies are able to buy from them.
If you got a good product, or have a good service - you WONT have these problems. That's how it always was, at least until government got involved. They choose
and pick who wins and loses. That isn't a solution its just another part of the problem.
As for paying your fair share, that's questionable. While I do agree there should be
some taxes, it shouldn't be nearly what it is now. People who are rich
or earn a certain amount of income that is over +100k were able to achieve their wealth through handwork, getting a good education, or being innovative. Why should
they be penalized for their effort because they had the fortitude to go out and MAKE something of their lives?
You know that a lot of people, they purposely avoid reaching a certain income bracket just to avoid higher taxes right? They do that because it isn't fair for them. People claim that they should pay more, but these are the same people that want free health care, higher wages for working minimum wage jobs, free education, and all the other government handouts afforded to them.
How about, instead of forcing higher taxes on those that earn more go out and do something about their lives. People in this day of age are afraid of hard work it seems. Almost as if they are allergic to it.
FinalBoss wrote...
The republican's mindset is noble, but unrealistic. Human beings are social creatures, we need each other in order to survive. No human alive has achieved anything on their own
So is the democratic mindset of welfare and social programs. We are social creatures that is true, but to say we can't achieve things on our own? What about all the innovators and great minds that changed the world through their ingenuity? They had an idea, and they found ways of making them become reality. You think in today's political environment, we'd have the same amount of progress? Henry Ford invented the automobile and made them affordable - he didn't have help from the government, he FOUGHT the government to even get his idea off the ground. Or what of the Wright brothers? They had the idea of being able to fly and they spend many hours and months building the idea and concept of achieving flight.
Point is, people can achieve things on their own with enough hard work and resolve. It isn't impossible.
FinalBoss wrote...
They don't know what its like to walk in the shoes of someone who is at a disadvantage socially, economically, mentally, physically and/or financially.
Again, your wrong about that. There are a lot of people who are disadvantaged in some form. But they find ways of finding success.
As for trump, I personally am not a supporter or defender. But I do understand what he talks about, and where his supporters are coming from. I may not agree with everything he says, but have you ever considered actually looking up his policies directly? You be surprised. A lot of his policies are pretty well laid out and they aren't as radical or extreme as people like to point out. When you get past his big attitude/ego, you will see a lot of the ideas he has make sense.