I might sound like a little naive girl (no im not a girl but a MAn) but why is it that every time i see a love story i wish it had a happy ending hell i have evn been brought to tears on many occasions hell I'm writing this while i still have tears in my eyes from this a manga i just read.
so to the point how do you feel when reading manga.
Well I don't read manga, but the majority of the anime that I watch are Romantic Comedies. I love the character development and the resolution in the end (whether happy or sad.) Plus there is nothing better than laughing and crying during the same anime, which is why I love Clannad so much.
I don't need anything flashy and supernatural (although mixed together makes it magical,) all I need is great character development and some time to cry. ^_^;;
Well I'm a romantic so depending on the love story and the people that are in it then yeah I would prefer a happy ending, but when things get more complicated like lets say a love triangle or a death. Then it all comes down to your own opinion on how you felt about it, but one thing that I will do is if the main protagonist does something that I find retarded or something I will generally do this (╬ ಠ益ಠ) and rage!
Well its fantasy so you can't really compare it to real life, but I guess you can imagine yourself in the position of the guy or girl in the story and make your own decisions.
Because I can relate...Well some...or sometimes, I wish that it would happen to my life(but wont happen, prob)...but mostly its because I get touch on how the story goes, how the main characters builds their relationship, from the laughing times to the crying times, Ups and Downs...Well I cant say anything about it anymore XD...I just love it...thats all...I gotta say, Anime Love Stories are better than real ones...Ichigo 100%(one of the best Ecchi, Comedy, School life, Romance)Manga Ver...I also love Clannad/After Story, just finished it...Going for a Second Round Tonight...
Everyone one loves a love story because everyone can relate or longs to beloved. Thats why 90% of the songs on the radio are love songs. It is mankinds purpose in life to find someone, and mate.