saishothewriter wrote...
So yeah.. I started this topic because i remebered something
In almost all my past relationships with guys there has come a point
where a question was asked. "Can i cum in you mouth?"
Or the less classy.. *Pulls out* "Get on your knees"
And 7 times out of ten they've seemed a bit sad when i spit afterwards..
My main problem is that i think it's alright in the heat of the momemt
But then when the taste comes a knockin' i can't handle it..
So the poll question is to see what some of you think about it.
And if you've got some tips on how to improve the taste or something i'd love to hear it!
If this has been posted before i apologize
And if this is the wrong section im sorry again
Have you tried making his cum sweeter? Any kind of berries work also plums do as well. So if he's the type to plan the nasty try to encourage him to eat berries; and don't believe the pineapple theory I've heard from a variety of people that it only makes it sour, but if that's your thing go for it. Lol.
Another thing if you're worried about his feelings and you're not willing to swallow, a good facial or a creampie will leave any male partner happy in the end.