Ripped from wikipedia wrote...
An upcoming 2009 American superhero film based on the series is currently in development. The film will be directed by Michael Rymer, who directed the 2002 film Queen of the Damned, and various episodes of Battlestar Galactica, and written by Everett De Roche.
The film is one of two being produced and financed back-to-back by Platinum Studios, IDG Films and Relativity Media. The film will be produced by Arclight's Gary Hamilton and Nigel Odell, Platinum Studios' Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, and Steve Squillante of Havenwood Media. Top Cow's Marc Silvestri and Matt Hawkins will be executive producers with Platinum Studios' Rich Marincic and Greenberg Group's Randy Greenberg. Filming is scheduled to begin in September 2008, with China and Australia among the possible locations being considered for filming. Megan Fox was recently approached for the role of Sara Pezzini at the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con, but has neither accepted or declined yet.
Whoa there's gonna be a movie about Witchblade. Looks like it's this info was out for abit but I'm just now learning about this. I'll defenitly go watch this. I haven't found a trailer about this at all else I'd post it along as well. Comment's about this movie?!