That button may look like a joke, an elaborate piece of stock art, or something out of Ghostbusters, but it's not. It's the emergency shutdown button located in a Microsoft server facility in Quincy, Washington.
There's a fascinating article over on the NY Times' website about server warehouses, with the author taking a trip to a Microsoft complex in Tukwila, Washington that is "one of the global homes of Microsoft's Xbox Live". While the above picture is from a different, nearby facility (in Quincy), they'd surely be the same all over.
One push and a million angry nerds cry out in terror, then are suddenly silenced.
Course, it'd take more than one shutdown to bring the whole network down - after all, there's a global network of servers running the thing - but it'd surely make a dent in a lot of people's evenings.
Me, I'd have to hit it, if only once. Just so I could say "When the light is green, the trap is clean".
I probably couldn't bring myself to actually push it. I'm not very good at doing things that signs tell me not to do. I'm always afraid that the minute I do it somebody's going to be standing behind me to arrest me or something.
run away, get chased by cops, and i would fight with them, and not kill any of them, but incapacitate them. run all the way back to california, have one last stand off, fighten more than i can handle, then walk into the crowd. police set up a barracade, im trapped, they say u are under arrest, i say "...not alive..." i reach for something in my pocket, and get shot to death. when they examine me, all i had on me was $2 and nothing else. riots follow my death being that i am black, and the police are accused of police brutality.
dont push it:
walk away, go back to california, fap to Fakku! doujins.
I'd look for one marked "Format mainframe hard drive". "Initiate nuclear missile lunch sequence" would work as well but I'm sure Microsoft hid those somewhere else.