Waar wrote...
E.X.A.M wrote...
i'd better save it for my future :wink:
your future in jail? yeah paying ppl not to have buttseks with you would be costly.
The best way to avoid surprise buttsecks is to make everyone think you're completely insane. I learned that from my brother's old Math teacher. Apparently he got locked up a long time ago and for the first month pretty much all he did was sit in the corner and talk to himself. He didn't take showers or anything and when people tried to got too close to him he'd start flipping out. It worked, nobody fucked with him. I've met the guy before and he's perfectly sane.
Of course that's only one way to do it. If you're big enough, your best bet would be to establish your dominance as fast as possible. I have a friend that was in jail and when he got out he told me that only one person tried to fuck with him, when he first got there, and he beat the living shit out of the guy. The rest of the time, people were getting him free cigarettes, porn, all kinds of shit.