Now THAT in the morning will have my heart racing up. I'll admit it looks delicious, but I will never have that in my plate :D
On a side note, just 3 weeks ago in our rural province one friend took me to a local
turo-turo (eatery) that specializes in cow. The specialty of the day was spicy cow brain in brine broth. My friend warned me to not order that because it's high in cholesterol and can give people bigger bellies than beer.
IEAIAIO wrote...

The unhealthiest food there is.
Generally speaking, it would be. I mean, McDonalds never care if their eaters get more fat while dining on their food. And McDonalds (and most burger-toting fastfoods) have a lot of customers. Double-patty burgers look delicious but quite dangerous if you eat that frequently. Add coke and oily fries and that combo set can fuck up heart rates fast.
I just hope they offer some veggie salads for health-minded consumers.