Unos Hambalos wrote...
Dark Riku74 wrote...
You know I would really like to see more superstars getting pushed :[ like Even Bourne, John Morrison, and Christan. I like how they are pushing people but they could use it, also for the womens Gail Kim should get the push :] sorry for being Random! :O
This is totally right.
I, for one, like to see JTG get pushed. lol.
With Superstars getting cancelled, I hope we don't see some of the regulars there get released. I'll miss Yoshi's music. lol.
I don't think Vince will release Yoshi anytime soon - he's the only Japanese superstar he has. Khali is his only Indian star, Kozlov is his only Russian guy, Sheamus is his only (active) Irish star, and Santino... (well, he's American but) he's the only Italian there. Vince tends to collect these type of folks.