Man... For me Royal Rumble 2013 felt like "Night of the Corporate Favorites". I felt completely disappointed when Ziggler was eliminated, and all we were left with was Sheamus, Ry-Berg, and Cena. I gotta admit though tonight was (and will be) the only time when I found myself cheering for Ry-Berg, despite him not being the best of both evils (Between Cena and Ry-Back, since I dislike both equally).
As for the title match I felt that it was pretty slow for a Punk match (Obviously not Punks fault), I didn't care if there was an interference or not, I just wanted Punk to not lose the title to a part-timer (Sorry Rocky...), so yeah that re-start of the match was very obvious the second Vinnie Mac's titan tron came on, as well as devastating when he lost to The Rock.
In conclusion I'd just like to end this with 2 memes: