What is your usual dinner, fakku? Pic very related, it's an omelette filled with ham, cheese, bacon and potatoes covered in hot sauce. Dinner of champions, really.
Whatever happens to be leftovers from earlier in the day or earlier in the week. Although lately I had been eating a lot of spicy chicken sandwiches, until I ate so many that I literally got sick on them. >.<
But yeah, I'm not very consistent. I just eat whatever is available, and I can't really say I have a favorite either.
Our nieghbors, a little old couple, invite us over for dinner alot and try to teach my gf how to make things like this
Which is good, cause right now we are eating alot of this:
Not sure what my average kind of dinner would be because there are times when we cook and times where we don't feel like cooking at all. So it'll either be some kind of frozen food or it'll be some meat with pasta or something who knows I don't keep track, but rice seems to occur almost every time we have dinner.
Generally, I eat egg white, chicken breast/ Korean BBq, some kind of Korean soup, and rice. Also, when I'm lazy, sometimes I'll just get like, to-go dinners :/