Don't ever Ever underestimate the power of...

other than that i always wanted to train in the art of assassination during ancient times

gun katar <:3 kyuuuuuute

and i bet a master assassin can take on 10 gun men or more armed with only a knife
snake did it, and i ran out of tranq gun bullets at that time
i vaguely remember holding one of this when i was a kid, it was my grandpas, and i saw my other grandpa's Thompson hidden behind his bedroom door and i herd he was hiding a shotgun somewhere in his house. makes me think what my 2 grandpas were doing, i think theyre part of some jihadi thing. DAMMIT THEY COULD'VE TRAINED ME OR SOMETHING!!

hmm.. im more of a sniper man when it comes to FPS games...

or the guy who camp in enemy spawn and spawn kill the hell outta them...

or the guy who charges in recklessly, ninja shit, shoot at anything that moves, and is most likely to have the highest death score with relatively high kill score.
SMGs stands for Splatter More Guts and is best suite for this job
i'd watch naruto if it was like this