rokushou wrote...
spectre257 wrote...
Ieryuuda wrote...
Well Macbook is for professional user. You really should think before buying one.
I don't think the average professional user would get a Macbook they'd be using an Hp Envy
btw Ieryuudan, why do you think Mac is for professional user? those shiny bling-bling laptop sure is for style..
HP Envy has allot of great hardware, but the
standard composition of hardware (e.g. what most will buy) gives very little value for your money. My mom just got one via her work, and they put a new very expensive cpu in, but then her screen resolution is low: 1366x768 which means that she ended up paying ~ $3000 for the same performance that ~$1000-$1500 would get her. It also does not have an internal optical drive..
so all in all not a great buy, it is actually more "bling-bling" as you put it, than the macbook, since you get a nice looking laptop with great specs but all together not too useful
The macbook is for
graphics professionals, for the sole reason that many graphics programs just works better on a mac. Adobe CS suite is much nicer to work with on a mac, even though there is no obvious reason why...