I was just thinking, with all this talk about Christmas, I've completely forgot about the fact that 2010 is right around the corner!
So, does anyone here have any new year's resolutions?
I plan to take my life as a student seriously, try to branch out and make some IRL friends for once, get a job, eat some damn chinese food already, and of course... watch more anime.
Oh and maybe Ill finally get to watching Star Wars. ;)
I want to get the company that I just started with my buddy up and running to the point where we can quit our day job and still be able to afford mortgage.
Hell, at this point I'd settle to just being in the black and actually get some business.
I also plan to take my life as a student seriously, just like you !! Besises, I'll try to improve my drawing style like LEAF as much as possible , try to earn money to buy figurines and go to Jp, try to play more and more Anime's song on Piano !!
These are my plan atm !! I'll add more when I have some of new plan in New year !! Ruu...
If you can keep those promises (I mean watching Star Wars, more anime and eat chinese) then you'll come out a better man. =D
Hmm, I plan to work my ass off and earn some money, get into the program I want at university and study like hell when I'm there. I will also go to Japan and keep better contact with my IRL friends, since now I will have the money to actually go out and do stuff.
Fix my not-so-good grades, keep contact with my IRL and online friends, learn more computer skills like multimedia, networking, database and begin preparations for my job. And maybe practice again my art & music skills.
Lesse, fix my inconsistant study habits, dun get so into learning japanese that I forget about the assignments in spanish, and actually try to find a girlfriend...I'm so lonely...
hm.... my resolutions yes.... i want to change my bad habit on study, join up some politic party next year, also i hope i can find some part time job to support my own faster so i didn't need to depend on my parent.
oh yeah i also hope i can upload some awesome hentai to help the other guys fapping.