1) The ability to cut though anything using a bladed object, but pass through what I don’t want to cut.
So many uses. I could cut a temporary hole between this dimension and an anime one. I could also use it the obvious way and win fights with it. Imagine cutting through an arm yet only the muscle is damaged.
2) The ability to learn techniques by watching them used
If used in conjunction with #1 I could learn every technique I wanted from anime. Think of how useful imaging from fate stay night would be in the real world. Also i could learn to fly(DBZ) summon my sword from my hand (tsubasa) or cast insanely powerful magic (slayers)
3) The ability to gain instant stats on anyone/anything I look at (can be turned on and off).
I could use this to know if someone was going to betray me or to know where/what their weakness is. I could also use this to benefit mankind. I could be a doctor that always knows exactly what’s wrong with a patient.
Incredible luck that can never run out. This could get you out of any bad situation. And I live in Nevada so it would probably make me one of the richest men on earth.
1. The power of flight.
2. The power to kill a yak from 200 yards away... with MIND BUlLETS, that's telekinesis, kyle.
3. How 'bout the power... to move you.
1. The power to instant kill anything (sort of like shiki's demon eye)
2. The power to alter space and time (time travel anyone?)
3. The power to be in any anime/hentai series!
Ability to bend time and spaces (of course,this include time travels,teleportation and time-manipulating)
Mind-reading ability
Absolute order, a.k.a Lelouch's geass, without it's downside and limits.
1-Instant transmission [how badass would it be to go to France, Russia and then back home within seconds?]
2-Kaiokan [I'm sorry, but I like the idea of increasing my strength whenever I need to. Can't lift the TV? No problem!]
3-The ability to fly [I would get the girls to swoon I tell you!]
telekinesis-this is a swiss army knife, when properly controlled, it also becomes pyrokinesis, unaided flight, hydrokinesis, chi bullets, and whatever else you could come up with.
Infinite, controlled, cellular regeneration. super healing, infinite youth, and an off switch, for when immortality wears thin.
silver tongue- because my current one is made of lead.