Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
You speak of established rights and ignore the rights of the other human involved.
Who is the other human involved may i ask?
Assuming you mean the fetus/embryo, do you think that a 5 gram collection of cells, an embryo, is equal to an already born human being?
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
The other cornerstone of the abortion debate is when/where do our rights kick in. So far, only the conservatives have offered a concrete point and that's when conception happens. The liberals in this country run the gambit from, brain activity (6 weeks), heartbeat (aprox. 10 weeks), organ precursors/Quickening (8 weeks), all the way to the point of the fetus/baby is not protected until it's delivered via c-section or through the birth canal. This scattered stance weakens their argument.
Many countries have established that some where between 20th to 28th week is the last legal opportunity to get an abortion. After around 25th week the fetuses chance of survival without the help of the mother start to increase tremendously on weekly if not daily basis. Also doing an abortion after the 25th week becomes more and more dangerous to the mother on weekly if not daily basis.
I accept the 20-28th week being the limit, and on those reasons. A more accurate date could be fined tuned by science one day, and i would respect that.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
I'm curious as to how you feel on not charging a person that murders a pregnant woman with double homicide instead of the standard homicide. If this fetus doesn't count as a person, doesn't this seem inconsistent with your views?
After the limit on abortion is passed (if it is near the 25th week), it should be a double homicide and before that a standard homicide. Why? Because as explained earlier, after around the 25th week, the fetuses chances of surviving outside the mothers womb increase tremendously and could therefore be a living human being on its own and the rights we apply to baby could be applied to it too.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
What about the woman wanting to carry the fetus to term and their partner (male or female) doesn't want a child and forces a miscarriage? Is this murder or battery?
How does the partner force a miscarriage exactly? Like i said earlier, it should be illegal for other people to force a woman to have a child against their will. It should also be illegal for other people to force a woman not to have a child against their will.
In this system if a man doesn't want to have a child, but the woman does, the man should have the legal right to not be that childs father legally and be removed from paying child support and all the other requirements a father has.