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Total Votes : 33
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Which of these candidates would you like to slow dance with?

Remember to approach the topic with and open mind but also as a serious discussion. Personally I think Hillary doesn't have any good dance moves, Trump would get too touchy/feely, Johnson would be too stoned and Jill would start break dancing to impress her black friends.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
And so the floodgates open. Buddha help us.

Edit: You may have to update Trump's positions. His flip-flopping is the stuff of political stereotypes.
My ballot should be here soon. Probably someone not Trump. Doesn't matter who i vote for since you know Clinton will win cali and the national count don't mean jack shit anyways. I might just write in Bernie or the guy who has my legal name. It's bad when no one in my family who is deep deep Neo Con Republicans is voting for the great pumpkin. Even my pure white damn near nazi brother.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
FYI I voted for Johnson.

I hate the mindset of "lesser evils" but in essence, that's what he is.

And yes, this thread is a result of Waar saying "Trump" to me for whatever reason, even though I'm probably the most (classical) liberal here.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
I'm not registered, so I'm not voting for anyone.
Waar FAKKU Moderator

edit: lol, you made a thread because I called you out? Muhahahaha That's right, dance puppets, dance.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Waar wrote...

edit: lol, you made a thread because I called you out? Muhahahaha That's right, dance puppets, dance.

More like you had a weird spasm and I was concern for your health, didn't know diabetus fucked with brain too. And the debates were coming up at the time.
Jill Stein is pretty stupid, too, honestly, if I had to rate her intelligence base on her views alone.

Some of her views are flat-out bat shit insane.

Honestly, I don't like any of the candidates, though, so I'll pass.

I'm going to write in the name of someone I believe deserves it, and though I know they won't be elected, at least I'll have the right to gripe later when the expected happens because the masses are idiots and elected shitty people to office.

P.S. I do agree Gary Johnson is the least of the three evils, but I refuse to place someone in office based on that alone.

I would rather begin my own campaign for president, but of course I'm not old enough for that yet.

If I remember correctly, the minimum age is 35?

About ten years to go.

Vote James Petruska for U.S. President 2028!
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
正義 wrote...

Vote James Petruska for U.S. President 2028!

BRB doxing you ;3
正義 wrote...

Vote James Petruska for U.S. President 2028!

Why would anyone vote for a pollock?
Cruz wrote...
正義 wrote...

Vote James Petruska for U.S. President 2028!

BRB doxing you ;3

Hey qt pie, come here often o.o?

animefreak_usa wrote...
Why would anyone vote for a pollock?

Aww, but I'm Russian not pollock ^_^.
正義 wrote...
Cruz wrote...
正義 wrote...

Vote James Petruska for U.S. President 2028!

BRB doxing you ;3

Hey qt pie, come here often o.o?

animefreak_usa wrote...
Why would anyone vote for a pollock?

Aww, but I'm Russian not pollock ^_^.

Slav is a slav gopnik blyat

Get me some piroshki and maybe i'll vote.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Obama thrid term.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
At this point im kind of wondering if people will elect Trump because like everyone on the internet these days thinks they are a troll and they all like doing things just for the lulz
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
echoeagle3 wrote...
At this point im kind of wondering if people will elect Trump because like everyone on the internet these days thinks they are a troll and they all like doing things just for the lulz

Look no further: Fakku's honorary 4chan representative

Also, have some laughs.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular

would like to see Trump win and see how he screws everyone over,
Trump is the only one worth voting for, and that does not even make him a good candidate
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Forum Image: http://66.media.tumblr.com/edb81519f2187b44f20fdc968badd200/tumblr_odxzqamesb1tf7iwho1_540.jpg

#WhyChooseTheLesserEvil #Trump2016
Likhos01 wrote...
Forum Image: http://66.media.tumblr.com/edb81519f2187b44f20fdc968badd200/tumblr_odxzqamesb1tf7iwho1_540.jpg

#WhyChooseTheLesserEvil #Trump2016

Forum Image: http://decolonizeconvergence.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/burqa-ban-france-campaign-poster-preview.jpg
Forum Image: http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2016/03/160303_FOR_trump-lepen-brexit.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg
Forum Image: http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/5799253804612710639729939781600183873n.jpg

There is a perfect cartoon, but Le Pen shitting on the ground and using tricolor toilet paper would anger Le cat. Trump no different then any nationalist person.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
animefreak_usa wrote...
Likhos01 wrote...
Forum Image: http://66.media.tumblr.com/edb81519f2187b44f20fdc968badd200/tumblr_odxzqamesb1tf7iwho1_540.jpg

#WhyChooseTheLesserEvil #Trump2016

Forum Image: http://decolonizeconvergence.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/burqa-ban-france-campaign-poster-preview.jpg
Forum Image: http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2016/03/160303_FOR_trump-lepen-brexit.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg
Forum Image: http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/5799253804612710639729939781600183873n.jpg

There is a perfect cartoon, but Le Pen shitting on the ground and using tricolor toilet paper would anger Le cat. Trump no different then any nationalist person.

Well if I must take example on the "let's have the first female president" shit Killary has been pulling off, I must vote Le Pen or it's mysoginy.
Pretty sure she'll make it to second round, what would be the most painful would be having to vote for Sarkoshit.
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