Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
A lot of people also voted for him solely because he was black. Could have walked on stage said he was Jesus Christ and been shit faced drunk and there would still have been people voting for him "because he's black".
If he gets assassinated I'll blame his social policies. His ideas pissed off a lot of people A LOT. Though if he gets assassinated because he's black I wouldn't be surprised. At this point I'll keep my mouth shut to avoid pissing off a fuck ton of people.
People will always judge people who aren't the same. If we were all white we would all be judgmental of people with blond, brunette, or red hair. Everyone in the country has some bit of prejudice if not open racism. If you claim you aren't prejudice then you are a blatant liar. It's human nature to be skeptical of those who aren't like you.
There's a difference between being skeptical of people that are different and thinking that every person that's different in some way is retarded or worse as a person. Like, I may take people with curly hair less seriously, but I wouldn't deny people with curly hair any rights or think that they're all stupid.
About Obama's ideas, have they really pissed people off? I know that some conservatives have been pissed off, but mostly I've just heard good things from people concerning Obama and his ideas. A lot of the time, people have been
too optimistic, in fact. And a lot of McCain supporters I've talked to didn't want Obama to win, but they weren't furious about what he planned to do.
You have a good point about some people voting for Obama just because he was black. That's still racism, and it's still bad. But I bet a couple of those people who voted for Obama just because he was black don't follow politics in the least and would have voted for Hilary if she had won against Obama, just because she was a Democrat. The same thing would have happened on the other side, too, of course, with some people voting for McCain simply because he was a Republican. There will always be some people who vote for a person based solely on his party.