Hitokiribattousai1 wrote...
So many people are extremely wasteful, much like the united states, so wasteful that we'd throw away a bottle of water..water that people in 3rd world country's can't even get a hold of and die. We are a country of wastefullness, so why don't we do something that can eventually save us? I believe that method is aquaponics. an aquaponic's tank can feed a neighborhood of people with the output of six times the growth from plants and as much fish as one can eat. If this method has already been found, i don't see why we couldn't help other country's eat and thrive. now i'm sure you've heard of the saying, "build a man a fire he'll be warm for a night, teach a man to build a fire he'll be warm for a lifetime." This is going to be perfect for the trouble's we're going to have when grocery prices skyrocket. what do you think of the system?
Because shit costs a lot of money. If you didn't know the US is billions of dollars in debt already. And plus global cooperations of the food industry alike would never allow this to happen on anything but a small scale.