The world doesn't end until Gaben releases Half-Life 3. Which will happen when he rules the world. In which case Steam will be linked to our brains, Everything on Steam will be a dollar, Half-Life 3 gets released at E3 with Shigesato Itoi announcing he is out of retirement and working on Mother 4 and re-releasing all previous Mother games on the Wii U. Miyamoto and Nintendo revive F-Zero and other dormant franchises. Valve does the online infrastructure for the Wii U with free Portal, Left 4 Dead, Half-Life, and ARMA franchises with DayZ mod. Chrono Trigger, Cross, and every non-HD Final Fantasy game get HD re-releases. Viewtiful Joe and Okami get sequels. Retro announces they are releasing Metroid and Prime 4 on Wii U with HD remakes of the other Prime games. LucasArts realizes their stupidity in not releasing Star Wars Battlefront 3 and sequels to KOTR and Rogue Squadron, so they give those IPs to Free Radical for free to release. All of this happens with everyone on stage announcing they will be ready by the end of the month. Meanwhile at E3 and elsewhere, gamers are dying of heart failure while emptying their bank accounts and selling their homes to purchase the content of the gods.