I once had a dentist who would try to make conversation while numerous tools were in my mouth.
"What school do you go to?"
Every dentist I've been to have been like that. Dunno if they just dont realize how hard it is to talk when they do stuff in your mouth, or that they just talk to be polite.
I'm not afraid of dentists in general, but of one in particular.
She was in charge of pulling out 4 of my premolars, and when she came with the syringe to anesthesiate ( spelling?) the area, she proposed to my little brother (8 or 9 at that time), who was beside me watching, to do the anesthesia himself.
I was laughing first, until I noticed she was serious. And he did the anesthesia...I couldn't move of course, nor say anything. I was just scared to death.
Nothing happened to me though, and the dentist was pretty cool, she would give me Dream Theater's cds > <
Not as afraid of the dentist themselves as what they do to my teeth. Especially hated it when they had to grind down my teeth so they could put on my braces properly. Still gives me chills just thinking about it...
No im not scared of Dentists but they have to earn my respect.
We've got a wonderfull system in the UK called the NHS (National Health Service) and it turns out for years this guy who me and my family trusted to do a good job was giving us the ol' "Everythings fine... Come back in 6 months" treatment, Great I thought that everything was ey-ok!
And now im with a new Dentist and im actually getting proper service. (Anyway what a cunt)
I have had a painfull experience with a Dentist too the anaesthetic wore off cause I waited too long but at the end of the day No pain... No gain! (No sense in being afraid of them)
One thing that annoys me about going to the Dentists is that the rooms always like a frigging ice box, When im cold I shivver and it annoys the hell out of me when someone thinks im scared when im not.
My father hates the Dentist because he had a problem once, My sister finds it unpleasant and my Mother is scared because... I dont honestly know.
I'm not really afraid of dentists, just all those sharp tools they use. The drills, the needles, those oddly shaped hooks, plus that cold and sterile atmosphere just makes me hate going for checkups.
I wouldn't say I'm afraid, but unfortunately I never did have good dental insurance as a child so I haven't been to a dentist since I was seven and I already have poor teeth do to my mother's side of my family. Suffice it to say I'm not proud of my smile.