Zaff wrote...
I wouldn't call myself and atheist because I do believe there is the possibility of a god. However, if there is a god, then by no means would I ever worship him. To see little kids, and even babies stricken with horrible diseases, like cancer. And to think someone so young and innocent that they cant even comprehend life and death is being put through something so horrible and devastating, while there is an all powerful being sitting and watching absolutely sickens me. There are so many horrible things that happen in this world to people that dont deserve it at all. If there truly is some all powerful being that has the power to do whatever he wants, then I would like to take this time to raise the one finger salute to him.
You could be defined as Agnostic Atheist (same as me). Doesn't believe in a god, but isn't sure if a god exists anyways. Atheism and Agnosticism are not mutually exclusive ideas, in fact they answer different questions all together. Maybe this chart will help:
Most atheists are also agnostic. Fewer are Gnostic (or strong atheist). Most Theists (or religious types) would likely be Gnostic Theists (believing in, and knowing about the nature of God's existence). Some more humble theists might be agnostic theists (believing in God, but not claiming to know for sure that he exists).