Mangaexpert wrote...
Nature never intended for gay sex...You cant reproduce, nor do you really have a hole, you are just shoving your dick in whatever hole you can find. In all honesty, I despise gayness. You don't see animals being gay, only the things known as humans who are supposedly capable of higher thought yet who pollute and cause climate change and extinction of animals and such. However, although i do despise gayness, in the end, i really don't give a damn, because it has nothing to do with me. I think that people who persecute and fuck up gay people should just mind their own business, it has nothing to do with them, leave the damn people alone.
Actually, penguins have shown signs of homosexuality, as well as fruit flies. I wouldn't say it's impossible for animals to be gay, for perhaps we see it less because we're not interacting with them, just observing sometimes.