Taltharius wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
You need to understand coping mechanisms. They are there to protect us from our own feelings and emotions. They change our perceptions, change how we remember our past and even make us forget our past. This isn't a bad thing, rather it is a crutch to allow us to function adequately enough without too much trauma (it is a preserving mechanism).
The only issue with coping mechanisms is that they are not long term solutions, merely short term. I had something bad happen in my past and I changed the way I viewed my past to keep me sane and healthy enough until I could resolve my current issues. It took some time but I dealt with the issue and I now am working to remember the better thing's from my past rather then the terrible feelings from them. If you make coping mechanism's into a long term thing, they don't work and you will crash and burn, because the past will always be there (doesn't mean you have to carry it around forever).
You basically need to find a way to accept that "this event happened and regardless if I can remember it or not, I must move on and focus on the present and future". These feelings won't do you any good now and can only hinder your future experiences. You need to forgive and move on. If other's remember the thing's you did and bring up your past you ether tell them to stop or just not give a crap. They may live in the past, but that doesn't mean you have to.
That's the thing, by erasing my past, I speed up the rate at which I "move on". If I have nothing to remember or dwell on, I can simply live in the ever-advancing present and near, foreseeable future. I could dwell on the fact that I disdain my existence in general, and I dislike my mother for even bringing me into this twisted world of ours, but that would be a waste of effort and feelings. I accept that the past can never be changed, hence why I don't need reminders on events that have already transpired. You get what I'm saying?
Yes and no.
You're not speeding up the rate at which you move on like you think you are. You are only repressing and trying to forget what has already happened so you don't have to deal with it. It's not a bad thing to do when it initally happens, but by keeping it like this for so long you have never been able to fully move on.
The lingering emotions and feelings from your past relates to this fact. Even though you don't remember it (and don't wish to remember it) you are still dealing with it.
It's only when you face your fear's head on and deal with it completely that you can move on in life. That isn't to say you won't have a good life if you don't, it will just be a bit harder for you.
To fully move on from such things the big thing you have to do is tell yourself that this event happened (don't blame others or yourself, it's happened and you just need to let it go). You need to think about this less and less (the less thought you give it the better things will be; fill up your time with activities or event's that can occupy your mind and allow you dwell less on things). If your past comes up to haunt you either get away from the cause or just deal with it then (you can't fear the unknown). Lastly keep in mind that you want to become a better stronger person from all of this. It's one thing for us to tell you how to deal with things and move on, it's another for you to want to do it yourself.
Also just give it time, no need to rush things. You have to do it at a pace you are comfortable with and keep pushing a little at a time.