hempknight wrote...
ohh trust me makami.. it took me years to find out what i wanted in life..
so follow this formula for a while and se how it pans out..
you need a few common things in life:
cash, a home and a partner/family
now.. think of your intrests.. can any of them be made into a career with a few years of study/training at maybe a technical college or something? ( dunno if you have those in your area.. but yeah) if so pursue it.. you'll do well and be more motivated in a job/endevour you enjoy..
if you think that it cant be done.. then look for the next best thing.. a job you wont mind doing.. and work towards that.. stay at it for a while.. save up your cash and maybe do part time study /night classes to get where you really want to be..
also keep a look out for trends... if you see jobs looking to come in a certain sector like retail or maybe mining.. and you'd like that.. get the skills for it.. even if by that time you dont like it anymore.. if you have the skills when demand hits.. employers will wants you bad.. you can always join and then quit later..
either way.. early on..career is a means to a healthy bank balance and getting where you want to be.. after you have that.. you'll be more mature about life and have the means to do the things you really want..
thats how i take it :D
hope it helps!
Let's see...I like reading, drawing, animals, playing video games, any type of history and analyzing practically everyone and everything.
I'd love to see how to get a career in video games, but I'd need to find the school for it first..
I did take a sociology class last semester and I really seemed to have a interest for that, but I'm not entirely sure where a degree in that field can get you. Right now I'm taking a class- Human Ecology.
Well, I do have the cash (for now and thank God for grandparents) and a job(Gamestop, which I DO <3), although the work hours are low this time of year; Madden 2011's around the corner so hopefully they'll pick up around then.
Thanks a lot Knight! I'll try to keep what you said in mind >3<