Marts wrote...
Furthermore, just like i've read on several sites on the internet, manga is very problematic for this law. Since it is more or less 90% of personal opinion about the image in question(except for the obvious shota and loli, which, thank god, i'm not a fan of...)
But still, since i have nothing against flat chests, this law could make me a criminal <.<
So, are Fakku! users doomed for eternal solitude in real life, if they choose not to hide that they are Fakku! users? :/
Not that i'm gonna stop visiting Fakku! XD
They can eat my dust for all i care.
P.S. For some reason, I feel extremely sorry for those with such fetishes at the moment. I mean, it's not like it's a choice to have such a fetish. Just like overly huge boobs are sickening for me.
EDIT: Wanted to add thanks the previous posters, you've eased my mind a little.
It's pretty damn hard to pretend that I give a hoot about this cause:
1. I don't have that type of fetish
2. I live in Canada, so the law doesn't affect me.
But I'll just give you my thoughts. The main idea is that as other people have pointed out, cops aren't going to bust down the door to check you computer for loli material. If they did, then your country has a big problem. The other main thing is that very few people openly admit they watch hentai, even less of them will admit they like loli (which, unfortunately, in the eyes of the average-joe, counts as being a pedophile).
It's not really the fact that it's loli, but more of the fact that very few people in this world is willing to spill out what their fetish is, even if it's "real."
Besides, when you say there is no such thing is "solitude" as long as the internet exists. Sure you might not be able to physically meet and interact with those with the same interests as you, but you can still talk on Fakku or MSN or whatever you use.