Unsigned wrote...
Uh, yeah I care. Ziggy got it down that it doesn't really look good. I can tell you what I dislike...
I hate NewTimesRoman or an unusual font in a translation, I hate it when they flip it so you have to read left to right and everything is backwards, I hate when they Americanize names, I hate it when they
bold one word of a sentence, I hate it when they put American idioms, I hate it when they voluntarily censor an image to make it kid safe, I hate it when they remove part of a character's personality (Viz's interpretation of the girl that likes H in Bleach), I hate it when they completely vulgarize a sentence...
That's a lotta hate.
You said pretty much what everyone hate. What I really hate is when they pretty much Americanize everything, changing the story, name, and all. Whats worse is that translators who do that usually comes with the said crappy fonts and editing.
Yeah, we know translating is hard and you got a lot of pressure and etc., but if you're willing to do the job, do it well. Its not like we're gonna lynch you for not finishing it on time.