Kind of Important wrote...
Ergheiz wrote...
I just hate the general arrogance and ignorance from most U.S. citizens.
Herp derp, best country in the world etc etc..How can you even compare if you haven't visited any foreign country in your life EVER?
Quite easily, the same way everyone else assumes all Americans are overweight, lazy bastards.
Granted some of us are, but after they all die off, we'll be the better for it.
Besides, what's the problem with thinking your country is the best? Really? So, as soon as you say your country is better than all the others, I can start making fun of you too, right?
Nationalism is nice and all, but I think Erg meant that Americans take it too far with their egoistic beliefs that we feel like the "world police for democracy". Honestly, I feel that our government and media is at fault and the people are being misled. They're responsible for their views and pointing towards what we 'should' believe in rather than focusing on the bigger picture or embellish the truth. Everyday, you will always see that one guy pressure the crowd to cause a hype and do something while everyone else bandwagons and blindly do stupid things. Don't blame the angry mob, not everyone is smart, blame the con-man who's blending in the crowd and started it all.
For your own country, you don't have to trust your government; just believe in your country, the people that live on the same land and breathe the same air as you do. I don't hate the U.S., it's a fine place and our founding fathers had something else in mind than what we have right now.