Jacob wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Ttocs wrote...
Despite all the Teabaggers
What's wrong with the teabaggers? Something wrong with wanting the government to spend less than it takes in?
I honestly believe that the teabaggers are nothing more than racist bigots clinging to their bibles, banding together under the slogan of "less government", and echoing all of Glenn Becks talking points.
And I can confirm that is all these Tea Party Protesters are about. They are nothing more then a wolf in sheep clothing of the Republican party. I in fact went to the 9/12 Tea Party Rally at DC (but mistake, I was meeting a friend at American History Museum) and I was early and had some time to kill so I went around looking at these people. They are nothing more then slogan talking points.
I mean, when you push the question of "Where would you make cuts to have less government?" They start talking about less taxes and less government regulations which is in fact the main reason we are having the oil spill in the Gulf and the current economic problems due to less government regulations. Which is what the Republican party is all about and has been running on for the last couple of decades.
It was also about the current Health Care Bill that was going on in the Senate which became law earlier this year (or as they love to call it, Obamacare which I think is wrong cause you are only making a talking point by saying that so I don't refer to them as Tegbaggers unless they start using Obamacare). I swear, can they just go to Factcheck.org and Politifact.com for the information? That's where I got all my information for the Health Care bill and it debunks all the information they were spitting out. Where were these Tea Party Protester's when George W Bush was President? Oh no, when he was in charge and people were protesting him, they were saying "Shut Up" and "Why do you hate America?"
Anyway, back to the topic. Do I hate the US? Yes/No... while I don't think the US is the best country in the world, it's not bad. I feel we have a lot of problems in politics due to the lobbyist and corporations giving money to them and no matter who becomes in charge you are going to have the same problems due to them. I think our priorities are backwards and a joke (you can show killing someone on TV but oh god show a woman's breast) and too many people try to put the Christian bible first and forget about the fact we have freedom of religion here. There are problems here and I feel most of it is due to the politics won't change the problems we have.