if u want money quick, go for a bank job(if u have the multi-language basis)
[suit for interviews, brush ur teeth twice, eat gum, smile almost all the time, comments on how beautiful ur inspector looks(if female), research about the bank u're applying for before-wards(questions will be asked), then blabber about how great the work environment is, shits like that, and just go along, u'll be fine]
if u want a labor job, apply for electronics stores
[casual for interviews, say mostly about the time u spend on computers and softwares, fake that u bought many stuff from the store u're applying for and comment on their quality]
if u want tips, be a waiter
[casual for interviews, be as polite as u can and say that u often take on chores in ur family]
if u want a clean job, go for the public library
[casual for interviews, especially fake how much u love reading, state some of the famous authors(u can memorize them first) and their works, then go into details about how u love a book, from ur point view, state the specs(war-related, fictional, romance or all), don't forget to say u love manga too, they dig people with personalities]
if u want a dirty and manly job, go for construction sites and meat packaging factories
[casual for interviews, fake how much u can lift, at least double the actual weight u can lift(they won't test u, don't worry), say u work out often and is on the school athletic teams]
if u want a talkative job, go for receptionist
[suit for interviews, the job itself is relatively hard, so research about the company u're applyin to, be very talkative, talk about weathers, economy to the cure of cancer, any shit u get ur mind on, annoy the shit outta them, fake that u've got friends all over the world, love to travel and very helpful in ur community]
if u want a legal job
[don't say that u do drugs]
if u want any job
[always remember, act confident and just be urself(even if u're a bit shy, doesn't matter), chew gum before any interviews, use body language, be expressive, and most of all, learn to god-damn smile, use various kinds of smiles, suggestive ones to humorous ones, stupid ones to awkward ones, smiling is most important in establishing any sort of relationship, especially when applyin for a job]