York wrote...
I want to thank you, Jacob for making this
sight (1337 awesome l33t hax0r pwn site.) Your making a difference in the world even if you can't see it from my point of view. The thanks I'm giving isn't just for something you have done for me,but instead what you have done for the world. It's the the difference you make in the lives of people who don't even know you exist.
You give hentai to the world, which brings happiness and bliss to many. This spreads to more and more people. Sure they may not know it came from Fakku but they'll have that hentia in their hands(so to speak), and isn't that what it's all about making people happy.
Edit- If you want express your feelings of thanks for Jacob, the site, its contributers and so on.
//sorry I forgot to add that part silly me. *^_^*