Mr.TifaLockhart wrote...
Tegumi wrote...
If someone can translate this for me, I'll let it stay in SD.
as soon as he said 'halo" this is not SD
It is a SD topic. I want to start a discussion about the possibility of future technology and its source of inspiration.
People dismiss a lot of things because they think it impossible, and that human already pretty much figure out the universe. Hell some of these people even claim they are a member of the science community
Here what history teach us:
Most people once believe the earth is flat *wrong*
They also believe the sun revolve around the earth *also wrong*
Man can't fly *bzzz wrong*
Man can't be woman *wrong* (it is freaky though)
Man can't reach the moon *so F***ing wrong*
etc etc. (if you want to know more go read a history book or look shit up on your damn smart phone)
Point is human don't know shit for sure. Yet many people arrogantly say this is not possible or that is garbage.